
Hello there! My name is Danielle Pilarinos. I am a twenty-something year old living in the Baltimore, Maryland area and I recently discovered that I have food allergies. I had gone years thinking it was normal for me to feel awful. As a teenager I never needed a curfew, I was too tired to stay out late. Tums and Pepto-Bismol became like candy to me. I had accepted that I would catch any bug going around. So what, you may be wondering, is my kryptonite?

White Potatoes

I know what you’re thinking, “you’re allergic to potatoes and avocado! How can you possibly find anything to eat?”. No worries I love food too much not to find something to eat and since August 18, 2011, the day I gave up gluten (and dairy and potatoes and avocados), I can truly say I can’t remember feeling better…ever! No more IBS issues. No more nausea for hours a day. I actually have energy and I’m not constantly getting sick. It truly amazes me the impact the food we eat has on our bodies. To quote, the father of Western medicine, Hippocrates –
Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.

Needless to say its a major adjustment learning to live with food allergies. My first reaction was what can I eat? Then after inspecting my kitchen my heart sank and I felt there was nothing I could eat. I started grieving over my lost food options and regretted not eating more maccaroni and cheese, pizza and apple fritters. But as one door closes another one opens and I’m running through it. So please join me as I discover the delicious, healthy and exciting world of living with food allergies.

12 thoughts on “About”

  1. Tom Hiebel said:

    THis sounds like an awsome 20 something young woman. Her attitude towards obstacles is one we all should have. One door closes, find another to open. First class Danielle.

    Love, your dad!

  2. Love your blog Danielle! I know some who are dealing with these issues…I will let them know about your blog! 🙂

    • Thanks for your support! Its suprising how many people have food allergies, and there are probably many more out there but they just suffer without knowing why.

  3. Lawrence Taylor said:

    What up crazy!

  4. Ryan Scott said:

    Hey this is Ryan from Louisiana. I saw Anthony’s link on FB. Blog looks great. MY wife and daughter eat gluten free because of allergies. I will show her your blog. I know she will enjoy it.

  5. Mary Pilarinos said:

    Hey Nice Job!! Really like the recipes… will probably try them. Glad to hear you’re feeling better.

  6. Trisha Moody said:

    Way to be all grown up and in the electronic world.. I have some recipes to share with you also.. just found a great crepe one but it is not dairy free but is gluten free.. I agree been doing this since Feb 2011 and even though I am still having a few issues now and then have really never felt better… give my love to the family love you and miss you all

    Cuz Trisha

  7. Sandi Kuehl said:

    Hi Danielle,
    My niece, Amanda, shared your site on FB. My husband and almost 2 yr old granddaughter live a dairy free life. Vegan cheese, sour cream and cream cheese are now a necessity in the fridge. With Christmas baking starting, I use Butter Flavored Crisco for the cookies so they can enjoy them as well. Looking forward to more of your recipes!

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